Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pictures of Reuben!


~Kluane said...

YAY!!!! Pictures....he is sooo cute, I think it's adorable that he sucks his thumb...Maybe eventually you will have a girl sometime......maybe......=o)

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful Jenn

Kassandra said...

Yay!!! :o) I know I saw him at church, but I've been checking every day for pictures. :o) I think he looks just like Jesse. :o) Why did you change your background? It was SO cute. :o) That's ok, your new one is nice too. :o) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Jenn he's adorable, of course, because you only have adorable kids. :)

neverletmeforget said...

You and Phil sure do produce adorable babies..aw...Reuben is just such a sweetie =o)

I'm super excited about your shower tomorrow night! It's gonna be SO fun.... prepare to be spoiled =o)

blondevue... said...

He is so precious. Sorry I couldn't make it on Thursday night, I was really hoping I could be there. But I am glad that you had a good time. :)

Amy said...

Congratulations!!!! He is absolutely beautiful! I pray all are doing well.