Thursday, September 11, 2008


Congratulations to Heather and Caleb on the safe delivery of their beautiful baby girl. I know she's beautiful cause Heather is her Mommy. I hope that you are both safe and doing well. I will try to call you after things calm down a bit. I know that it is pretty busy for you with a new baby and with all that is going on with Hurricane Ike. Just wanted you guys to know that you are in our prayers .....We love you. Phil, Jenn, Jonny, Davy, Jesse and Reuben!


neverletmeforget said...

what a special baby this is...It got more prayer than any baby I've ever heard of =o) I'm so glad for them... what a powerful thing prayer is....

Anonymous said...

Your happy song is playing all day at my house. I really think I had enough of it in high school, but it does do the trick, I hope you are taking its medicine also! See ya tonight! Dawn