Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Reuben's 1st. Birthday!!!
So, here's Reuben's first year in pictures. They aren't in any particular order but if you start from the bottom you can see how tiny he was from the beginning. He has grown so fast and he has just started walking. I know you will enjoy these as much as me. Enjoy and Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy!!! Mommy

Monday, July 13, 2009
I went to the shooting range last night with Phil, Allen, and Jim. We had a good time despite me being the only girl. Phil wanted to site in his gun and make sure it was ready to go for sheep hunting. I had to shoot it awhile to make sure I knew what I was doing and to make sure I could handle the gun. My shoulder is a tiny bit sore today but no bruises and it was a lot of fun. There were some crazy people at the range and I don't think they knew what they were doing which makes it scary for us. They didn't end up hurting anyone although the guy almost shot himself in the foot. Anyways, I just thought I would share that little bit. We are going to be spending Phil's next few weekends getting ready for the hunt. We may go to town and get the rest of the stuff that we need. Have a great week!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Boys!!
Do you ever sit back and wonder where the time has gone? That when you lay your head down that tomorrow is over and you will NEVER get it back? I think about those things every now and then and more and more the older I get. I know that sounds corny but you never know how much time the LORD has allotted you. It makes you think about the times you should have told that special someone you loved them just one more time. Lingered a little longer on a kiss instead of just a peck on the lips or cheek. You should have squeezed your little ones so much more. I have learned a very important lesson these past few years and that is to NEVER take anything for granted. My church, my bible, my husband, my kids, my friends, and most importantly my LORD. He has given me an allotted time and I don't know how much that is......what I do know is that the Lord wants me to use that time to the best of my ability and for Him. We fail so often in that area. We are soooooooo selfish. May you each take a little time to think about just how little time we get and how we should spend that time wisely and for the Lord. May He ever bless you as you endeavor to do your best. Use your time wisely and love people instead of tearing them down. Truly love them so that they know that you weren't too consumed with yourself to think about them in their time of need. I love each and every one of you and am so thankful for you. Just a few thoughts. I hope they help you!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I know...I know...I know...
I just can't seem to keep up with everything these days. We are doing good just busy. I am working on getting my school ordered for the coming school year. I am looking forward to it than most times. We are enjoying summer to it's fullest. The boys have been playing outside non stop. I am hoping to get the view screen on my camera fixed so that I will be more inclined to take pictures. It is hard when you don't get to view them first. Phil is working hard as usual but with his days off this week we butchered an entire moose by ourselves and cleaned out the freezers. Last night we went to town to get a new fan for our upstairs and to buy food for our sheep hunt. I am sooo excited it is coming up so fast. Anyways, I thought I would update everyone on how things are going. Hope you have a great day. Going out to set up the sprinkler for the boys. Chow!
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