Well, as you can see from the title Monday and Tuesday are our weekend. It is sooooo nice because Phil is generally home for the whole two and a half days and we can just relax. The weather has been beautiful so I am hoping to get outside with the munchkins the next couple of days. Jonny is still feeling a little under the weather and now has the pink eye too. We will see how long this stuff lasts. Phil had court this morning and I was supposed to get up and make him breakfast. I felt terrible when I woke up and he was gone and the boys were asking if they could get up. It was my weekend though. THat's an excuse if you've never seen one....hehehe. Anyways, I am working on getting up earlier and getting things done. Phil should be home soon and then we will see what we have in store for today. Phil and the boys just started their Lord of The Rings watching last week and will continue on with it this weekend. The boys really like it. So anyways.....here's a short update in the McBroom household. Love you all!!!
Jenn, you guys get well. Don't worry about anything else...wish there was something I could do to help...
Thanks for the update! We've missed you in the blog world. ;o)
Hope your poor kiddos get completely better SOON! :o)
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