Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well, we had a very good time at Mom and Dad's last night. We ate some really good food and opened presents. Josh and Ang went to my parents today to spend Christmas. I am sure they will have a lot of fun. I am looking forward to staying home on Christmas day. We are deep frying a cajun turkey again and I am sure it will be good. Allen, Natasha, Fritz, Super Dave, Heidi and Tyler will be coming over. The boys are soooo excited because we have like three different Christmas' every year. They get to open different presents. I am sure they won't be tooo excited with what we got them but you never know. Anyways, I hope you are all having a good time. Love ya!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Holiday Baking!!
So....I've been making Christmas candy this week. Yesterday I made peanut clusters and got my bon-bons made and in the freezer. Today I covered the bon-bons with chocolate and they are ready to give to the police department. I am also making some muddy buddy's with whole grain chex for our family Christmas party on Sunday. I have to wrap a few more presents and get the kids a few more things in town on Monday when I go grocery shopping. I am working on getting a few other things made this week too like fudge and almond bark candy. It's my dad's favorite. Hope you are all having a great time doing your Christmas baking. Good luck Bek!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Psalms
So...I have been going through the psalms and doing a daily devotion book on the psalms with it. I have really been enjoying it so far and really wish Pastor had finished going through it. I made four loaves of bread today and two apple pies. We are having some in just a little while. I got my basket made for the Chinese Present exchange tomorrow night at Phil's Christmas party. The City of North Pole is having it at Pagoda so it will be a nice treat. Kim is going to watch the boys for me. Anyways, I am going to make Christmas Candy tomorrow. I am making little gifts with candy for the Police Department. The NPPD Chief gave us a ham for Christmas and I cooked it up for tonight. It was really yummy. Well, I hope you are all doing good. Love ya!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
So...we got on a new schedule this week due to Phil's schedule at work. It seems to be working nicely and we spend lots more time with him and he gets more sleep this way. I didn't think it would be so nice. I like it a lot more than our previous one. I am making Phil's breakfast right now to take to him. I am making him sausage biscuits with cheese. His co-worker Scott is pretty excited too, especially since I made chocolate chip cookies too. I cut up an apple and got some milk to take with ......seeing as Phil can't have breakfast or anything sweet without it. Gotta go!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hey Guys...I've been getting some disturbing comments on my blog and am going to make it to where you have to be invited to look at my blog...I will be doing it in the next couple of day so send me your e-mail address via twitter in a personal message if you want to be invited. I will send e-mails to the ones I know. Also...I sent the cookie recipes to people that I had their e-mail addresses. Please send me yours so you can get the recipes. Thanks a lot!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Day 2
Well, I failed miserably at getting up early. It is hard with Phil sleeping in late so that he can go to work in the evenings. I am working on it though. I got up and got my work done. I didn't have a ton to do but I am still working on laundry. Doesn't seem like it ever gets done. We did our family devotion and I am working on getting my personal time in. I pray as soon as I get up so that helps. I am working on getting my reading done earlier in the day too. Not much else happened to day except I got my exercise and shower. Talk to you tomorrow.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Challenge...Day 1!!!
Well, as you can see I am just starting my challenge today. I tried to start last week but failed miserably since all of my kids were sick. I got up at 4:30 this morning and nursed the baby. Then took my shower and read my bible and prayed. I headed out to get Natasha at 6:00 and we went grocery shopping with the babies while Phil watched the boys for me. It was really nice. I got my Christmas shopping done for the boys and just have to finish up a few things. I got home at 11:30 and got the groceries put away and got the kids some lunch. We just kind of hung out around the house and spent time together since today was one of Phil's days off. SOOOO nice. Anyways, I took a short nap with Jesse while the kids did the devotion with Phil and they read their Louis L'amour book. They are really enjoying it.....apparently Jesse and I fell asleep in the middle of it all. I don't remember. Anyways, I got up and made some homemade pizza for dinner and then we played hide and seek in the dark. Phil and I are going to share a Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup....we'll see if he shares :0) Then I am headed to bed....I'm TIRED!!! I got the Ben and Jerry's for two dollars after I used a coupon....THANKS MOM!!! Praying for all of you in on the challenge. HUGS!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
I was reading Kassandra's blog today and was so encouraged. I have been struggling with getting back into the swing of things as far as the house and school and several different things go since Reuben came. Things are finally starting to level out. I have been getting up early like Kass and getting dinner ready and in the crockpot and then getting breakfast ready for the crew. I have been extremely blessed with being able to get up and have been having a much better attitude and happier and more consitent dealing with the boys. Jesse is doing GREAT potty training and the other boys did great in town today. We are making progress. My Gramms came in with my parents today and I forgot how much I missed her. I will be posting a TON of pictures this week and I hope that you all enjoy them. Idecided...much like Kassandra....that if I am going to post I am going to post about more Godly and encouraging things than just useless blabber. I read too many blogs during the day where nobody really says anything of importance and it's a waste of time to even read them. Anyways, I hope that if you come here you are encouraged in some little way and I am able to be a blessing even far away. Love you all!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Stay at Home Mom?
I found this article on another lady's blog....I cannot take credit for writing it. I hope that you all enjoy it. I thought it was wonderful and it does help put things in perspective for you!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Too Long!!
Well, as you can see it has been a week since my last post. I 'm not too "into" the whole blogging thing right now. I am headed to Ninilchik on Friday to spend two weeks with my parents. I am actually excited about getting away for a couple of weeks. Mission works are just so rejuvinating after a while. It is exciting to see the new people attending and it gives you a whole new outlook on things. I am mainly going to help my Mom with my Dad. Most people would say " Shouldn't she be able to take care of him herself?" Well, if you know my mom...yes....she is perfectly capable. I think that grandkids are a medicine in themselves though and that they help Papa's heal faster. I also think my mother would lose her mind dealing with dad all by herself.'s a good excuse for a visit down there. I love Ninilchik.....beaches, hiking, fishing, woods, and various other reasons. Anyways, I will be leaving and coming back on the twenty fifth if all goes well. Toodle-dee-doo for now! Jenn
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Jesse & the whoopie cushion!
Davy got a whoopie cushion for his birthday and Jesse seems to think it's pretty funny. So the boys blow it up and sit on it and he laughs!! It is pretty funny just to watch them. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fall brings a sniffly nose....
As you may have guessed......all my kids and I are sick. Phil seems to always get away with not getting sick until at least a week or two after we do. It must be because he has a better immune system than me. It seems as though it always happens so I don't know why I get surprised. Anyways, we had our first fire in the woodstove last night and it was really warm and snuggly. I really enjoyed it but wish it was in my room. I got done sitting by the fire and went to bed and was freezing for a while. I hope it stays warm in here this winter. That stove isn't very big. Well, off to school with me and the little sickos. Have a great day!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Congratulations to Heather and Caleb on the safe delivery of their beautiful baby girl. I know she's beautiful cause Heather is her Mommy. I hope that you are both safe and doing well. I will try to call you after things calm down a bit. I know that it is pretty busy for you with a new baby and with all that is going on with Hurricane Ike. Just wanted you guys to know that you are in our prayers .....We love you. Phil, Jenn, Jonny, Davy, Jesse and Reuben!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Josh!!
So, these aren't the best pictures in the world but they are Josh! I love my brother a whole lot and have many fond memories of us together growing up. We used to play gladiators in the basement, watch the same stupid movies over and over, fight over who got to sit up front ( watching him slide under the van the one time he ran through the snow to beat me) HAHA!! that was soooo funny...... the time he says I kicked him off the roof and about a billion other memories. I think kids who come from families with lots of brothers and sisters tend to take them for granted more than those of us who only grew up with one. We did everything together and loved it. We were never bored and I think we grew alot closer when we were in Kansas and then again when I got married and moved out. When they left on deputation it was really hard not having him around. He can always make me laugh. Anyways, today on your special day, I just wanted you to know how much I love you. Can't imagine life without you. Happy Birthday!
Isn't that the sweetest thing ever. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. I also started getting calls like crazy from tons of family members. Thanks everybody for making me feel so special. Love you all.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Day At The Park!!!
So, on Monday Phil took us all out for a day of fun.....or a couple hours of fun anyways. We went to Great Alaska Pizza Company and picked up some pizzas, then got some soda and headed to the park. We had a little picnic there and then the boys and Phil played. They had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out of the house. It's been a while since we did anything like that. It was a beautiful day for it too. Anyways, here's some pictures....hope you enjoy them!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Phil's Home!!
I'm so glad that Phil got home on Friday night! I was so very excited. The boys were ecstatic too. No sheep though. That's alright.....maybe next year. Anyways, he has three days off and I am looking forward to it. We are going to try to get some things done outside before the cold weather gets here. Kind of hard to do when we're so busy. I am going to pull my flowers since they got destroyed by the rain and it will probably frost soon anyways. Well, have a great day everyone.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
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