Friday, November 27, 2009

Sugar Doll Award.....who knew it?

So Tori tagged me and here I am...I didn't know how to get the cute little award posted so oh well!! Here's my ten things about me!!

1) I have the most amazing husband in the world....he sometimes likes to purposely drive me crazy but he is so very strong in the Lord and has helped me grow soooo much in my own Christian life!!

2) I am VERY blessed with four little boys who fill my life with joy and happiness....they are sometimes EXTREMELY difficult to keep up with.

3) I am not very good at keeping in touch or taking pictures.

4) I am a workout junkie.....when i'm consistent enough to do it!!

5) I hate arguing or fighting.....I am more of a non-confrontational kinda girl.

6) I love my friends that uplift me and help me to do the right things!!

7) One of my favorite things to do is quilt although I don't get to do it that often!

8) I am a Very happy morning person....probably to most people's disgust!!

9) I am NOT good at talking about myself....this is difficult coming up with ten things!!!!!

10) Hope this satisfies Tori!! Love you girl!!!

1 comment:

blondevue... said...

You are so funny Jenn!! I think I could have come up with 10 things for you! But I know what you mean it is hard, I was stuck at like # 5 or 6 on myself, like "hummm-dummm-deee-doo.. :) I don't know!!"
Have a wonderful week Jenn, love you lots!!