Tomorrow will be 9 years since I said " I Do" to a 6' 4" sandy haired 20 year old boy!! I can't believe how young we were!! It seems as though it was a life time ago! The funny thing is that I love him now more than I ever thought I would! You
think you know what love is when your seventeen but you
really don't!
We have grown up together since I was twelve and I don't remember a time when Phil wasn't around! We played together, went to Church together, our families ate dinner together all the time and his sister's are my best friends!! I am SO thankful the way the LORD worked in it all. It isn't the most romantic story......it was actually
really rocky there for awhile. Me growing up learning how to be a wife and mom right away! We've had our hard times and now we just fit!!! Without the Lord's grace in my life and Phil's we would probably still be squabbling about something insignificant.
Phil isn't the most romantic person in the world but he sure loves me more than most people know. He protects me and cares for me in his way. He still makes my heart pound when he looks at me a certain way and makes me laugh harder now than he ever has! I've learned to go with his never ending sense of humor and his teasing! He is sooooo sweet to me and I couldn't ask for a better Husband. He is a STRONG spiritual leader and has always challenged me to be more godly than I am!
He is also THE BEST DADDY in the whole world!! If any one knows me at all they know I wanted and some days still want a baby girl, but the LORD has blessed us with boys and when I see them with their Daddy......it makes me melt! He loves his boys SO much!! He teaches them how to ride their bikes and fish, to be sweet to their Momma, he comforts them when their hurting and always, always, always tells them to come to him for whatever they need!! He's not perfect by any means, but he is raising our boys to be strong christian men just like him and he doesn't even realize it most of the time. Their Daddy is their hero and I think that's the way it should be!!
So, on my anniversary I say to my Hubby, my love, my protector of 9 years.........I love you more each day! You make me feel so very honored to be your wife and raise your children. Thank you for all that you do and for how well you treat me!! You are my one and only and I cherish and reverence you more than you know!!!