So, here's the pictures from our BBQ on Saturday and Jesse and David's party on Monday. They are actually in order this time. We had a great time at the BBQ and quite a good time at the B-Day Party. It was an exhauting weekend to say the least. We always have such a good time with people. We're socialites....what can I say!

Here's Phil getting the ribs ready!

The Ribs!

Davy being a monster...go figure

Jesse's cheesy pose these days

What.......cake on Monday? sweet!

I like this pictures and they were soooo yummy!

All of the kebobs

The goofballs

It can only get worse!


Such a cutie!!

Always terrible........what can I say....i'm not photogenic?

The cake...they were supposed to be ships....i'm not good at cake decorating

The pizzas being shown off.

I love this on it and Davy's eyes are crossed...the scary looks natural.

And Another.

Darth Jesse Talon

Josh and Ang

The Brandts
This was hilarious!!!
The BBQ was great as always Jen. =) Thank you guys for having it.
So much fun!!
And I got to see you!
I actually got to see you!! :-)
The food was great...
It was incredible to get to be back for the annual bbq :)
Even if Phil almost made me cry ;-)
Miss you, and its only the first week.
Thanks for the morning together,, sorry for the sleep! :/
Such great pictures! I think you are one cute momma in your pic!
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