So today we are cleaning and gearing up for Phil to come home tomorrow! I already got clean sheets on the bed, doing laundry, getting ready to workout, the boys are eating breakfast, Jonny and Davy are changing their sheets and getting ready to take their showers, then we are going to get school done, eat lunch, I am going to stain some more doors( I may just pull the rest of them out in the garage and do all of them today), and various other things that need done. We are all excited around here for Daddy to be home! Life is different when he's gone.....not a bad different....just different. I think it was getting to the boys the last few days. Especially when Davy said he wish he could fast forward time and wished things would get back to "normal".
Life is crazy good these days. The house is almost done which is wonderful. Hopefully we will have carpet this week and water! Everyone is healthy for now! Josh and Ang are living downstairs at Kim and Jim's so we get to see them more often! I've been talking to my parents every day....which I LOVE! Life is good! So, live life to the fullest. We never know what moment Our Father will call us home! Have a blessed new week friends and family!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
House Update!
The sink is gonna go UNDER the window and the dishwasher goes in that empty spot!
Doesn't rhyme with Thursday....but at least I'm posting right! My parents aren't on Facebook and some of my friends aren't either so here are the pictures of my kitchen and bathroom! I will post the rest when we get the carpet installed!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Working Out Wednesday!
So, I didn't post yesterday because I was EXHAUSTED! I went to the house and cleaned the floors for the carpet people.....hopefully they call and tell me they're installing it soon! Then I came home and worked out, took a shower, and made dinner. After that....I was DONE! Not really, I ended up cleaning the bathroom and talking to my hubby on the phone for awhile.
I didn't get enough sleep again last night. Reuben is killing me!!! He woke up at ten and cried for a LONG time. He has croup real bad so I don't want him to keep fussing. We went outside for awhile. I finally just laid him in his bed and told him to stop screaming or he was gonna be in trouble. It seems as though ( when they get sick) they get into a habit of waking you up and wanting to be held when they don't really need it! So, needless to say I didn't get up at six this morning ( since I had just laid back down at five thirty) and ended up getting up at seven thirty. That's when Reuben fell out of the bed and wacked his head. I was in the living room chair at this point. I got up and got changed and went down stairs to run on the treadmill. I was a little cranky. I told the boys I would be back in thirty minutes, so Jonny fed them breakfast, while Mommy had a little melt down. My first since Phil was the lack of sleep.
I came back up and talked on the phone with Natasha for awhile. That was after I finally got back into my house....the door lock won't UNLOCK! So, the kids let me back in and I chatted with her and then I took a shower. I ate some breakfast and worked on Math with Jonathan and David. They have a hard time with Math for some reason.......they get it from their Mom. So, I am drinking my coffee and checking out blogs. I am going to work on staining doors a little later and get dinner ready. We will be going to church tonight so we're all excited about that! I can't wait for Phil to get home!!!!! 6 more days!
I didn't get enough sleep again last night. Reuben is killing me!!! He woke up at ten and cried for a LONG time. He has croup real bad so I don't want him to keep fussing. We went outside for awhile. I finally just laid him in his bed and told him to stop screaming or he was gonna be in trouble. It seems as though ( when they get sick) they get into a habit of waking you up and wanting to be held when they don't really need it! So, needless to say I didn't get up at six this morning ( since I had just laid back down at five thirty) and ended up getting up at seven thirty. That's when Reuben fell out of the bed and wacked his head. I was in the living room chair at this point. I got up and got changed and went down stairs to run on the treadmill. I was a little cranky. I told the boys I would be back in thirty minutes, so Jonny fed them breakfast, while Mommy had a little melt down. My first since Phil was the lack of sleep.
I came back up and talked on the phone with Natasha for awhile. That was after I finally got back into my house....the door lock won't UNLOCK! So, the kids let me back in and I chatted with her and then I took a shower. I ate some breakfast and worked on Math with Jonathan and David. They have a hard time with Math for some reason.......they get it from their Mom. So, I am drinking my coffee and checking out blogs. I am going to work on staining doors a little later and get dinner ready. We will be going to church tonight so we're all excited about that! I can't wait for Phil to get home!!!!! 6 more days!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday Madness!!!
Well, it is definitely Madness around here today. The boys are thoroughly missing their Daddy as am I! It has been a rough weekend. Reuben is still sick and SUPER fussy. What a crazy little boy! He is handling it pretty well considering. We got about 16 inches of snow so Dad is out shoveling the drive way. It's been insane. I am going to run to town later with Kim to pick up a few things we need. Then hopefully we will be able to get over to the new house and deal with the drive way over there before they come do our carpet this least that's the plan. I haven't had a call yet. I have a TON of stuff I want to do over there and no energy to do it right at the moment. I am just praying I can get the floors cleaned up before they do the carpet. I also need to find someone to help with the driveway. Anyways, the boys are working on school and I am working on bills and making phone calls. I don't think I would be too bad a secretary. Have a great snow day all!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday Fun!
So today....we got up and headed to town. We went and picked Heidi up and went shopping for awhile. I had a lot of fun. I got some good deals around town and it was nice to have someone help with the kids. They are NOT fun to have around when you're doing GIRL shopping. Boys don't see the fun in trying on clothes and getting a good deal. It was nice to spend time with Heidi and chat about life in general. I am sure gonna miss her when she moves to Dillingham.
We ended up getting pizza from Papa Murphey's.....I am TOTALLY in love with their cheesy garlic bread. So bad! I left everything at their house so I wasn't tempted to eat it all myself. Now I have to run double miles tomorrow since I didn't get a chance to workout today. The boys had fun hanging out with her too. They are going to miss them. Jonny talked to Ty today too and he had a nice chat with him. I would be surprised if he can still hear out of that one ear. Anyways, I had my camera but didn't get any pictures. Stupid me!!! We still had a great time! Love you Heidi!!!!!
We ended up getting pizza from Papa Murphey's.....I am TOTALLY in love with their cheesy garlic bread. So bad! I left everything at their house so I wasn't tempted to eat it all myself. Now I have to run double miles tomorrow since I didn't get a chance to workout today. The boys had fun hanging out with her too. They are going to miss them. Jonny talked to Ty today too and he had a nice chat with him. I would be surprised if he can still hear out of that one ear. Anyways, I had my camera but didn't get any pictures. Stupid me!!! We still had a great time! Love you Heidi!!!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Just Thinking......Thursday!

I know this is early but I was bored and thought I would post something early. Do you all remember the saying in an old song saying " You don't know what ya got til' it's gone"? Well, whenever Phil is gone for any period of time it gets me to thinking what life would be like without him. I'm telling you right now....I WOULD NOT enjoy it. I'm so thankful for him and all that he does for me and the boys.
He is ALWAYS working hard to provide for us physically and spiritually. He ALWAYS makes me laugh....even if I don't feel like it. He's quite the character ya know. He makes me feel beautiful and important. He plays with the boys and teaches them even while their little how to be men. It's important for little boys to have a Daddy who cares about them, and loves them, and is there to teach them. I know I couldn't raise these boys on my own and them turn out like they should without Phil. Anyone that knows Phil well, knows that he isn't the type to hear you miss him or take a complement well. He is VERY humble and expects me ( his wife) to be independent and in charge of things.
If you have ever read the Created To Be His Helpmeet would know there are three types of men she talks about. One is Mr. Command Man, Mr. Visionary Man, and Mr. Consistent. Mine is Mr. Command Man. He wants a wife that is self-sufficient to a degree and can take care of things when he is away. Who doesn't complain. Now, I have an issue with being a little too dependent on Phil and not on the LORD. I am reminded of that often. I also have an issue with complaining, which I am working on.
So, I guess I said all this just to say that. I would NOT do well without a husband. I think it's good and bad to be away from each other for any given amount of time. Good in that, it makes you appreciate that person more and all they do for you. For that close companionship two people share in a life together with the same goals. Bad in that, well, I can't really think of too many bad things. If the separation is agreed upon.
I look forward to Phil coming home, to holding him close and getting to spend time with him each day. It makes my days more wonderful. It makes me feel like a teenager again when I wait for each phone call or each e-mail. I get that giddy feeling when I think of what I will wear to pick him up from the airport. What special meal I will make for dinner that night. So, that being we wait for the LORD to come home? Do we spend time with Him each day? Does it make your day more wonderful? Does it make you happy and make you feel young again? Well, I have does me! I can love my husband more than a lot of things but NOT the LORD. He is my first love and I need to live my life to serve Him. Only then, will my love for my husband and children be the right kind of love!
Just a few thoughts from me! I hope this is challenging for you as it was me!
Wacky Wednesday....or WIW Wednesday?
I haven't decided yet.....I might do the What I Wore Wednesday from now on but for today it is Wacky Wednesday. David was up with a fever last night and has been coughing all day. He is feeling pretty bad and laying down. Doesn't want to eat or play. So I know he's sick. We probably won't make it to church tonight, which I absolutely hate! I don't like missing church. So, for today that's our Wackiness. Not much else going on......I am staining a door everyday and trying to finish them up before Phil gets home in two weeks. Other than that.....just paying bills and taking care of kiddos.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Turn Back Tuesday
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday Madness!!!!
Can anyone find Roo?
So, Monday's are always insane around here. They are crazy because the weekend has left us wondering how we got so much laundry and where in the world are we going to find time to actually get school done! Our weekends start on Sunday but we don't count that since it's the busiest day of the week. So, we have Mondays and Tuesdays that we usually go over to the house and work ALL day long. This week on the other hand.......Phil is gone. So, we are having a quiet morning doing school and getting the sheets washed( a tradition that my Granny taught my Mom and she passed on to me). Monday is ALWAYS clean sheet day.
I am trying to get back into the groove of blogging and keeping those of you in my family that I don't talk to as much as I would the loop! So, Monday Madness begins....I will also be posting a new picture every day! I know you will all love that!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I wanted to write today about all the things I'm thankful for! An idea from a friend! So here goes, I'm SO thankful for forgiveness.....the LORD is good! I'm thankful for my hubby.....he works SO hard all the time.....I should treat him better. I'm thankful for my rowdy, dirty, smelly, hilarious, sweet, and rotten at the same time boys! They are SO much fun! Thankful for friends, old and new, who are always there for me(even if we don't talk very often)!!! The list could go on forever but it is so refreshing to sit down and think about the things you have and how we should be thankful in all things.
This is a VERY difficult lesson to teach to little kids. I think they are coming around but you never know! So, just a short list for today but it's all I had time for!
This is a VERY difficult lesson to teach to little kids. I think they are coming around but you never know! So, just a short list for today but it's all I had time for!
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