Wednesday, October 9, 2013
New Blog!
I FINALLY switched to Word Press and I am already in love with it. SO, for those few of you that actually follow me, here is the new site! I will be shutting this one down at some point!
Day 9, living healthy and fit~
So, I'm not the greatest at posting obviously. The whole fitness thing isn't as easy as it seems. Yesterday I did really good but today we were out of the house a lot and I had to bake for our Battalion Bake Sale tomorrow. I LOVE baking though so I'm not complaining. My dream someday is to own a bakery and cook all kinds of gorgeous cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and donuts. Not to mention all the other yummy things I can find! Obviously not the best goals as far as being fit and healthy go!
Anyways, I'm hating blogger right now because every time I try to post it comes out all goofy! It won't strike the words out I want. It won't post the pictures in the right order, or space anything out the way I want! DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!
That is all beside the point. I guess today I don't have a lot to say. Just a few motivational or funny exercise blurbs. I always get a chuckle out of some of these!!!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
How many of you like to run?! At first I hated running but it is something that I truly enjoy these days. I don't get out and do it as much as I should but I am trying to get out more. I'm not sure how it will work out in Korea but I am hoping there are places that are very pretty to run outside. It is a breath of fresh air, a chance to enjoy God's creation, gets my heart rate up, a chance to be alone and think, and just an overall great way to stay healthy!
There is a running group called Wear Blue to Remember. They run miles for every fallen hero. I think it is so cool and have been wanting to get involved for awhile now. They run together every Saturday morning but I just don't like to get out and be away from Phil on his day off. We are so busy these days that any chance I get to spend with Phil when he is off is where I am!!!!
Anyways, if you aren't a runner or don't enjoy being a runner I suggest it anyways. It truly is a great way to stay healthy and fit!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Another post!!!!
This just in! HIIT Mammas is starting their 90 Day Challenge today! I am in this time and going to be lighter and fitter by the time this is over with! You start by drinking the Vi shakes and doing no caffeine the first week! Here we go peoples! Check her out!!! It's awesome and encouraging and easy to do!!!!
Day 7
Here are a few recipes that are supposed to be healthy and tasty. I am going to try some of these! Just thought I would share since they look pretty good!
So, anyways, just a couple. They look sooooo yummy though! I need to be healthier, it is a goal that I am DETERMINED to reach! Happy Healthy Days!!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Surprise, Suprise, I missed a few days.
Sooooo, I have been feeling SUPER sick lately. All.week.long. We're still working out what the problem is but I think I have an idea. It's been rough but I'm doing the best I can with it. If you haven't known me long, I tend to be a HUGE baby when I am sick. I REALLY try not to whine and be tough but it isn't always easy. Sorry Babe!
I made it through two days of the ab challenge but I am going to be starting over since I haven't done it. I just haven't had the energy to do it. It's humorous to me that, I am spending a month, trying to spend a month writing about fitness and health when I can't seem to accomplish any of it in my own life. On the other hand, this is more for me than for the rest of you. Yes, I said it, I'm being selfish.
So, a few things I am trying to incorporate into my life again........
Apple Cider Vinegar, I drink it in a bottle of water. Not too bad anymore and I do notice a difference when I'm drinking it. Helps my tummy. (which is overly sensitive these days)
Fruit, it's going to be my new best friend, I'm going to give up sugar! I know, you heard me, I said it....gotta happen!
Running, IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!
Calorie counting........I've GOT to lose weight somehow!!!
More Veggies, it's a downfall of mine!!! BIG TIME!
Just a few of the things that I am going to start to implement! I'm trying people, get off my back!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 2 of my Healthy Living Blog Posts
So today I wanted to share one of THE BEST websites I've found. It is a Crossfit type blog where the Mom posts a new workout of the day everyday. I LOVE it. It is quick, easy, and I have seen results. I've kind of fallen off the band wagon lately and I am trying to get back on. I have been feeling REALLY bad the past three days so I haven't done too much. I am trying to do the ab challenge still though! :)
Here is the link to her website. Check it out if you get a chance. It's TOTALLY awesome!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
31 Days of Blogging Party!!!
SO, as you can tell, I haven't been blogging for QUITE awhile now. I have had many comments about it too....ahem, Bek. So, I decided to get it together and start blogging again. This month I will be talking about health and fitness for the whole month. YAY! This is more for me than for anyone else. I was doing really good working out until Phil came home from Afghanistan. We have been SOOOOOOO busy that I haven't really gotten back into it. So today, step 1......the 30 day ab challenge is BACK! I LOVED this last time I did it so I am SUPER excited to start it again! I hope you all join me because by the end of the 30 days you see a HUGE difference!!!! HERE WE GO! Until tomorrow peeps!

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Palmolive Soft Touch Review
I received two free bottles of Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Soap from Influester! I kept one and gave the other to my next door neighbor for her to try out! We are both in love with it! I am a pretty exclusive Dawn girl. I may always use Dawn for some of my cleaning projects but lately Palmolive takes the cake in keeping my hands soft, my dishes clean, and there are plenty of bubbles (never trust a soap that doesn't bubble)!!!!!
I will probably never go back to hand washing my dishes with Dawn after using the new Palmolive! Gave away my coupons and everything! LOVE IT!!! I even bought another one the other day at the store, it's coconut!!!! LOVE me some Coconut!!!! So, if you haven't tried it, what are you waiting for?!!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Optic White
So, I received a free sample of Colgate Optic White toothpaste, mouthwash, and a new toothbrush! At first I was skeptical if this was even going to whiten my teeth. I have been using it for a couple of weeks and I have to works!!!! I am not a huge fan of the mouthwash because of the leftover taste of whitening product. I want nice white teeth but I don't care for all of the chemicals. I am weird, so what! Anyways, I am enjoying my whiter teeth and I use the mouthwash a couple times a week. Anyone else tried it? If you haven't I highly recommend it!!! Let me know what you think!!! Thank you Influester!!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel Video review
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
So, just in time for Phil to get home Davy comes down with a cold. I decided to try a new concoction found on Pinterest that is all natural. It is simply honey and cinnamon. I am also making him drink apple cider vinegar. I REALLY don't want Phil or anyone else to get sick while he is home. We are going to try it and let you know how it works. Here is the pinterest link!

Monday, April 15, 2013
Sugar n' Spice VoxBox!
I have to say that I LOVE Influester! I love getting free products and full sized samples! I get to try them out for free, do a few things online, and then get chances to try new things a little bit later! It is so much fun getting to try new things without having to buy them first. So, here's a glimpse at what I got in my VoxBox. I didn't take pictures but here is what I got in my box.
I LOVED almost ALL of them and I have to say I have added some of them to my new health care or eating regiment. LOVE LOVE LOVE Influester!!! Got it all free!!!! YES!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Bzz Post!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013
Hotel Transylvania Blueray and DVD
So, we had a Hotel Transylvania Movie viewing today. We got to watch the movie with some friends and enjoy some goodies too. We really enjoyed hanging out and it was a good distraction for my friend whose hubby just headed back to Afghanistan today. I know when Phil heads home after his R&R that I will be going to her house for the day! We had some cheese, meat, chips, dip, popcorn, and cupcakes. We also had a tater tot casserole for dinner. The company was the best part and getting to watch the movie before buying it was great too. I love getting to preview it before buying it! I posted some pictures on facebook!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Goody QuickStyle Hairbrush
So, I wasn't sure if I was going to like the Good QuickStyle Hairbrush at first. It has taken me a few different times of using it to decide I really like it. It is different but in a good way. It makes my hair slightly curled and dries it faster. I'm not sure if it does it super fast but better than usual without adding time after for me to actually curl it. I would give this brush a rating of 4 on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the best! I got it free from Influester in my Holiday VoxBox (LOVING Influester by the way)! So, there is my little blurb about it!
NOT the best picture, that's what I get for having Jonny take it for me!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Welcome Home Dress for Phil....
So, I am facing a dilemma here girls. I want to really WOW Phil when he gets home from deployment in August but I'm not sure which dress to buy. I'm going to post them on here and I want honest opinions about which one I should get! So it's kind of like a vote! I already know which one is my FAVORITE but I want you to think about it from Phil's viewpoint. Take into consideration my shape too ladies!
Here they are......
Monday, January 28, 2013
Loooonnngg time no see.......
So, I've been gone FOREVER! I decided to start blogging again. It will mostly be about my BzzAgent, Influester, or CrowdTap opportunities. Today I am blogging about my new Kellog's Crunchy Nut Cereal! It's great!
This cereal is seriously good. It keeps me full until lunch and I don't even crave anything sweet in between meals since it's sweet enough to satisfy. My box is almost empty since I started letting the boys eat some. They are really liking it too. If you like a peanut buttery taste then you will like this cereal! It is crunchy but it doesn't annihilate the roof of your mouth when you eat it like some cereals do! So, my rating a 10! Try it and tell me what you think!!!
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