Thursday, September 15, 2011

More Pictures....

So, we were taking pictures the other day and again last night before Phil leaves. I wanted to have a nice picture to send to everyone! I guess you get a preview. It is hard to coordinate professional pictures when you don't have time to go get them taken. Anyways, I like the homey ones more anyways...or should I say natural....or should I say the chaotic ones where no one will smile or sit still?! Anyways, here they are! Enjoy!


Grammie Kim said...

The pictures are excellent, Jenn. Absolutely wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Cute. So what kind of camera did yall get? And how come we never set a time to talk!?!?! Oh well...maybe after Phil leaves.

Grammie Kim said...

BUBBLES! :) Fun...

Anonymous said...

I think these are great!